I am a Naturopathic Physician with an understanding of, and appreciation for, the history of medicine and health.
We do not become ill overnight and rarely will we see optimal health return overnight. This is not to be negative, rather, honest and realistic. Our bodies have design and function. The ways in which we become ill and even restore health, also have a process and make sense when we step outside of conventional medicine. This is not to say that miracles can not happen. They certainly do!! But they are just that, miracles and outside of the common process.
We cannot always trace every thread of illness back to an exact exposure, but they are there and we can find many of them. Discovering these makes treating the condition and tracking progress easier. But for those threads we cannot follow… this is why Created for Health developed these analyses, so we can find the various organ or gland that is not functioning properly. We can begin to peer into the body and see what is no longer functioning as it is supposed to. We can also look at the various exposures in our lives; chemicals, molds, bacteria and parasites that get ‘stuck’ in the cells and makes us more reactive and more susceptible.
Not only can we know what is not working, but the Formulations are designed for the specific individual and their various systems that need support. This way we can track treatment and how well one is responding. The other thing that needs to be remembered is there is only one thing that can truly heal a person… that is the person themself! All we are doing is calling attention to the various organs and give them the needed support and nudge it to make corrections. We do not take over the function of the body, like a Pharmaceutical, we stimulate the body back to proper design and function.
We at Created for Health also believe that illness, therefore regaining health as well, begins with inflammation or controlling that inflammation. We believe the beginnings of this inflammation begins with food and is why we look for the food that creates that inflammation.
Our goal and desire are not only to learn and understand more of how the body was designed and functions, but also to understand how the various exposures (external and internal) affect our health and in finding simple ways to stimulate the body back to its optimal and proper design and function.
It is my intention to make complex medicine simple, reconnect people with their bodies, and teach the foundations of health.
The Philosophy of Created for Health, myself and all the Vitalist Naturopaths before and after me can be summed up this way:
That life is more than biochemical and physiological reactions; rather it is vital– changing, growing, developing–this is what animates life.
That there is design and function in the human organism, without which no treatment could ever bring real healing and a restoration of health.
That every acute disease is the result of a purifying, healing effort of Nature.
That the suppression of acute disease can lead to more chronic disease.
That the symptoms experienced during an illness result from a beneficial effort to restore balance; they are to be welcomed rather than feared and should not be suppressed except in extreme cases.
That the function of the Vitalist physician is to utilize treatments that remove obstacles to healing and stimulate, support, assist and enhance the natural healing process.
That some cases are not suited to Naturopathic treatment or require emergency measures; such cases are promptly referred to surgeons or specialists.